A Duck, an Iceberg, or a Ballerina
Life as a dentist is hard enough, always pursuing perfection where perfection is expected.
As a sole owner of a dental clinic, the pressure is on beyond just “fixing teeth”. Making business decisions is no small feat: sometimes I’m like a duck, projecting stillness on the surface but pedaling like crazy underneath; sometimes, I’m like an iceberg, trying to not flip over as the exposed tip gets eroded more and more from external pressures; and sometimes, I’m like a ballerina, summoning all my strength to stay balanced outwardly while every muscle is cramping inside.
I recently said to a new hire, “I’m strict because I have to be, and sometimes I have to be direct because time is an essence. Ultimately, I want everyone to safe, the patient first of all, then you, and then me.” With twenty years of experience in the dental chair, I’ve seen it all. I try to use real life examples to illustrate why I have certain expectations, so that others don’t have to learn things the hard way. I am both blessed with and have honed quick reflexes and problem-solving skills over the years, and those are what have prevented near-misses from progressing into negative outcomes.
I also try to champion the idea of Equity over Equality. Fairness comes in the form of providing support where it is needed and identifying where extra support is required to bring everyone to a level playing field. I can’t assign an assistant to a procedure based on whose turn it is, but rather who is the best fit for the procedure based on skill level as well as patient and procedural factors. Sometimes I get the combination wrong, and it can turn a slam dunk into a struggle that requires me to give extra effort to make up for deficiencies that crop up.
When a staff member is absent, I must consider whether I can handle the extra workload myself, and if I can’t, then I have to weigh what would upset a patient more—having their appointment rescheduled to a later date, or bringing in a substitute staff member who may or may not meet my expectations or those of the patient. It’s a hit or miss situation, and it’s always a difficult decision.
All this means is that I always strive for my best, whether it is 100% or 150%. If I had to make a decision based on clinical versus business priority, clinical must comes first. I can’t always predict how any given day will go, but rest assured, I’m working hard behind the scenes to give my best showing every time, and to normalize dental visits as much as I can for our patients.